IV Semester M.B.A Degree (Regular) Examination, July 2016
(2014 Adm.)
Elective-I : Marketing
MBA4E07 :
Answer any one question in this Section. Question carries 14 mark:
1. A) How does improved transportation, communication and storage facilities influence
rural marketing?
B) Explain the application of social marketing in
a)Health care
b)Literacy and
Answer any six questions from this Section. Each question carries 11 marks.2 marks
for Part (a),3 marks for Part (b) and 6 marks for Part (c).
2. A) What are the components of rural market?
B) What is the role of IT in rural marketing?
C) "Farmers and rural marketing are interdependent and in inseparable".Dicuss.
3. A) Define agricultural marketing.
B) What are the challenges of rural marketing?
C) Explain the issues related to the rural market environment.
4. A) Mention the classification of rural markets.
B) How does agri product marketing differ from industrial product marketing?
C) Explain the problems of communication in rural marketing.
5. A) Define rural marketing.
B) How important is rural marketing in India?
C) Explain the rural distribution strategies. What new method can you suggest?
6. A) What is the importance of social marketing?
B) What opportunities are involved in social marketing?
C) What is substance abuse? What is the role of social marketing in eradicating
substance abuse?
7. A) Define social marketing.
B) What new promotional methods can you suggest in social marketing?
C) With respect to social marketing write notes on:
a) Targeting
b) segment selection and
c) positioning
8. A) What is an NGO?
B) Write a short note on family planning.
C) Explain in detail the product strategies of social marketing.
9. A) What do you mean by small savings?
B) What are the challenges of social marketing?
C) Write short note on:
a) Anti-smoking
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