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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SCDL Keywords-International Finance-IF

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SL No.International FinancePg No.
 Unit 1-Introduction to international finance 
1International developments2
2international capital market5
3euro currency market5
4domestic market5
5balance of trade and balance of payment6
6international capital budgeting9
7the basic framework10
8international commercial terms11
10International chamber of commerce11
11departure EXW Ex. works CTD/MTO12
12Main carriage unpaid12
13FCA Free Carrier12
14FAS Free Alongside Ship12
15FOB Free on board12
16Main Carriage paid 13
17CFR Cost and freight13
18CIF Cost, Ins and freight13
19Main Carriage paid 13
20CPT Carriage paid to 13
21CIP Carriage & Insurance paid14
22Arrival DAF14
23Delivered at frontier14
24DES Delivered at Ex. Ship15
25DEQ Delivered at Quay16
26DDU delivered duty unpaid16
27DDP Delivered duty paid16
28DDP Delivered duty paid16
 unit 2:- International Monetary and financial system 
1international Monetary system22
2international finance system24
3the US Dollar market25
4the Japanese Yen Market26
5The sterling Market26
6recent developments in International financial Market27
8the evolution of exchange rate system30
9the fixed exchange rate system30
11failure of fixed rate system32
12European Monetary system-EMS32
13Economic and monetary union34
14recent developments 35
15Post-Maastricht Developments35
16emergence of euro36
17group of seven37
18international monetary fund38
19SDR Special Drawing Rights39
21funding facility40
22reserve tranche40
23credit tranche40
24stand-by agreement40
25extended arrangements or extended fund facilities-EFF41
26special facilities41
28Buffer stock financing facility-BSFF41
29supplemental Resource facility-SRF42
30Enhanced Structural Adjustment facility-ESAF42
31special drawing rights-SDR42
32Liquidity problems42
33the world bank43
34DBRD-international bank for reconstruction and development43
35MIGA-Multinational investment guarantee agency43
36IDA-international development Association44
37IFC-international finance corporation44
 unit 3:-Documents used in international trade 
1regulatory requirements50
2operational requirements50
3commercial documents51
4Performa invoice51
5commercial invoice51
6consular invoice52
7customs invoice52
8legalized invoice52
9combined certificate of origin and value53
10financial documents53
11bill of exchange53
12means for collecting payment54
13means for demanding payment54
14means for extending credit54
15it’s a promise of payment54
16it’s a receipt of payment55
17Sight B/E55
18Usance B/E55
19DP BASIS- Documents against payment basis55
20DA BASIS-Document against acceptance basis55
21transport document55
22bill of lading55
25received for shipment Bill of lading57
26on board bill of lading57
27short form bill of lading57
28long form bill of lading58
29clean bill of lading58
30clause bill of lading58
31through bill of lading58
32straight bill of lading58
33charter party bill of lading58
34container bill of lading59
35combined transport B/L or multi modal B/L59
36Lash bill of lading59
37house bill of lading60
38airway bill of lading60
39air consignment note60
40house airway bill60
41postal receipt61
42courier/expected delivery service61
43multimodal transport document61
44risk covering document62
45insurance policy62
46specific policy62
47open policy62
48insurance cover note63
49official documents63
50export declaration forms63
51G.R FORM64
52P.P FORM64
54export certificate64
55certificate of origin64
56Miscellaneous documents65
57packing list65
58weight certificate65
59certificate of analysis and quality66
60certificate of inspection66
61health certificate66
62methods of international payment67
63advance payment67
64bills for collection68
65open account69
66barter trade69
67bank guarantee70
68letter of credit L/C71
69definition of documentary credit L/C71
71issuing bank72
72advising bank73
74confirming bank73
75negotiating bank73
76reimbursing bank73
77types of letter of credit74
80confirmed revocable74
83credit available by installment74
84back-to -back 75
85anticipatory or red clause75
86green clause75
87deferred payment 75
88standby 75
89flow chart of export transaction76
90parties to letter of credit77
92L/C opening bank77
93L/C advising bank77
95L/C confirming bank77
96negotiating bank77
97reimbursing bank77
98steps in transaction77
 unit 4:-external commercial borrowing 
1Bilateral aid84
2commercial debt84
3aid form global financial institution84
4equity funding84
5special lines of credit85
6syndicated loan85
7FCNR deposit85
8export and import credit85
9fund raising85
13note issuance facility86
14mechanism and documentation86
15syndicated loan87
16features and its composition87
17lead manger/arranger88
21creator of memorandum of information88
22principal document loan agreement88
23flip-Flop FRN89
24MIS-Match FRN89
25Mini-Max FRN89
26Capped FRN89
27Perceptual FRN89
28VRN structured FRN89
29terms and conditions of FRN90
30Euro Commercial Paper-ECP90
31Foreign currency convertible Bonds-FCCB90
32companies raised ECB91
33ECB under approved route92
34procedure for ADR and GDR92
35ADR level 193
36ADR level II93
37ADR Level III93
38GDR-Global Depository receipts94
39role of different parties involved in launching of GDR94
40lead manger 94
41other manger or subscriber to the issue94
44clearing system95
47steps involved in issuance of GDR95
48shareholders approval95
49appointment of lead manger95
50finalization of issue structure95
53RBI regulations96
54Capital flows through ADR/GDR and ECB97
55advantages and disadvantages of external commercial borrowing98
 unit 5:- Foreign investment in India 
1important directives of RBI104
2Automatic Route104
3government route105
4general permission of RBI under FEMA105
5two-stage reporting procedure for FDI106
6On receipt of money for investment106
7on issue of shares to foreign investor106
8transfer form Non-resident to non-resident107
9transfer by way of sale107
10transfer by way of gift107
11transfer form resident to non-resident107
12transfer by way of gift108
13reason for making the gift108
14issue price shall be either109
15investment through preference share110
16foreign direct investment in India111
17statistics about FDI112
18capital flows through FDI/FII112
19FDI in retail sector112
20foreign technical collaboration113
21RFC-Resident foreign currency113
22EEFC-Exchange earners foreign currency113
23general 114
24hotel and tourism related industries114
25procedure for granting approval115
27standard conditions attached to approvals for technology agreement116
28portfolio investment118
30other investments121
31NRI/OCB overseas corporate bodies121
32foreign venture capital 121
33Indian venture capital 121
34venture capital fund121
35SBI registered venture capital 121
36procedure for opening branch/project/liaison office122
37for permission/assistance123
38regulations regarding foreign institutional investors123
 unit 6:- direct investment outside India 
1investment outside India128
2funding for overseas investment129
3criteria for investment under the automatic route129
4norms for investment under ADR/GDR stock swap scheme131
5schemes for overseas investment by partnership firms133
6restrictions for setting up second generation company134
7Indian party which has made a direct investment outside India will have to comply with the following134
8resident individuals in India can acquire foreign securities without prior approval in the following135
9provision for taxation137
10bilateral relief137
11unilateral relief138
 unit 7:-Foreign Exchange Market 
1International Foreign exchange market144
2the market146
3the participant146
4information and communication system147
5payment system148
6foreign exchange market in India149
7foreign exchange market reforms150
8exchange rate regime151
9institutional framework151
10increase in instruments in foreign exchange market152
11liberalization measures152
12quotation exchange rate152
13direct and indirect rate152
14spot and forward rate155
15ready or cash156
17spot 156
19basis point158
20bid rate158
21delivery rate158
23euro market158
24foreign exchange transactions158
25fixed date forwards158
26forward margin158
27forward rate158
28making a market158
29middle rate158
30nostro account158
31odd rate158
32offer rate158
33option forward159
35roll over159
38swap price or points159
39value date159
40vostro account159
41scenario of exchange rates in India159
42movement of exchange rate163
43demand and supply163
44interest rate163
46gross domestic product-GDP163
47balance of trade and balance of payment163
49war, internal or external164
50political stability164
51intervention by Central bank of the country164
52speculation 164
54capital movements164
55exchange controls164
56foreign exchange reserves164
57external debt164
58cross rate164
 unit 8:-foreign Exchange risks 
1causes of fluctuation 172
3transaction exposure175
4translation exposure175
5economic exposure176
6export sales177
7domestic sales178
8pure domestic sales178
9cost of imported input178
10cost of domestic input178
11forward contract179
12reserve bank directives180
13forward cover can be extended for the under-mentioned purposes183
14forward purchase cover183
15forward sales cover184
16period of delivery185
17cross currency booking186
18utilization of the forward cover186
20calculation of exchange rates for forward contracts187
21cancellation, early delivery and roll-over of forward contracts191
22forward sale contract192
23forward purchase contract194
24early delivery195
25roll over charges195
26options and futures196
27options 197
28call option198
29put option200
30premium amount202
31strike price202
32American option202
33European option202
34in the money/at the money/out of ht money202
35history and development203
36recent trends204
37key features of options and futures205
38underlying asset price207
39time before expiration207
40the rate of interest207
42pricing and analysis208
43pricing of options209
44underlying asset price209
45exercise price210
46time to expiration210
47interest rates210
49options and futures products today210
50interest rate options211
51foreign exchange options and futures211
52equity linked options212
53commodity linked futures and options213
55interest rate swaps214
56lowering financial cost215
57hedge exposure to interest rate risks215
58restructuring the debt in the balance sheet216
59amortizing and accounting swaps216
60forward swaps216
61reversible swaps216
62basis swaps216
63currency swaps216
64uses of currency swaps217
65lowering funding cost217
66entering restricted capital market217
67reducing currency risk217
68supply demand imbalances in the market218
69amortizing currency swaps218
70accreting currency swaps218
71floating-for--floating rate currency swaps219
72interest payment218
73asset swaps220
74country risk220
75use of country risk assessment222
 unit 9:-Export/Import Finance 
1import finance230
2import finance through trust receipts/import loans230
3import financing through issuing L/C bank guarantee230
4export finance231
5sources of raising finance232
6own funds232
7friends and relatives232
8advance payment form buyer232
9trade credits from supplier232
10banks and financial institutions232
11Pre-shipment credit232
12Post-shipment credit232
11borrowing or lending in foreign exchange238
14short term loan scheme242
15borrowing under US Dollar Five Million scheme242
16borrowing under US Dollar ten Million scheme242
17borrowing by exporter/foreign exchange earner243
18long-term borrowings243
19scheme for raising loan from NRI on repatriation basis243
20RBI guidelines regarding exports245
21payment for export245
22authorized dealer 's obligation247
23authorized dealer may248
24all exporters249
25buyers credit251
26suppliers credit251
 unit 10:-Facilities for residents and non residents 
1facilities for resident Indians256
2guidelines for travel related matters257
3EEFC Account262
4RFC Account262
5RFC Domestic Account262
6liberalized remittance scheme of USD263
7exchange earner's foreign currency-EEFC265
8limits 265
9permissible capital account transaction266
10method of payment for investment267
11declaration to be furnished267
12schedule 2268
13export and import of currency268
14any person resident in India269
15currency declaration form 270
16instruction for passengers270
17borrowing and lending in rupees272
18providing housing loan in rupees to non-resident276
19acquisition and transfer of immovable property outside India277
20realization ,repatriation and surrender of foreign exchange278
21facilities for nonresidents279
23other deposits made or held by authorized agents283
24acceptance of deposits by persons other than authorized dealer283
25deposits in certain other cases283
26nomination 284
29types of accounts285
30permitted credits285
31permitted debits285
32rate of interest286
33loans against security of funds held in the account286
34change of resident status of account holder287
35repatriation of funds to non resident nominee287
37joint account287
38opening of account during temporary visit288
39operation by power of attorney288
40special series of cheques288
41temporary overdrawing288
42remittance abroad by resident nominee288
43tax exemption288
45foreign currency289
47designated currencies289
48types of accounts290
49rate of interest290
50permissible debit/credit290
51rate for conversion of rupees into designated currencies 290
52inland movement of fund290
53manner of payment of interest290
54loans/overdraft against security of funds held in the account291
55change of resident status of account holder291
56joint account, repatriation of balances etc291
58other features291
59schedule 3292
60non resident ordinary rupee-NRO account scheme292
62types of accounts293
63permissible debit/credit293
66remittance of funds held in NRO account293
67grant of loan/overdraft293
68treatment of loans/overdraft in the event of change in the resident status of the borrower294
69joint accounts with resident294
70change of resident status of account holder295
71from resident to non-resident295
72from non-resident to resident295
73payment of funds to non-resident nominee295
74reporting of transaction295
75schedule 4295
77period of deposit296
78rate of interest296
82joint accounts with residents296
83loans/overdraft 296
84nomination 297
86schedule 5297
87non resident special Rupee-NRSR account297
89application form298
90type of accounts298
91joint accounts298
92rate of interest298
93change of resident status of account holder298
94nomination facility298
95overdraft in NRSR account298
97schedule 6299
98schedule 7300
99facilities for foreign nationals and foreign tourists302
 unit 11:-institutions involved in international trade 
1reserve bank of India308
2RBI as a exchange control authority310
3authorized dealers-AD311
4money changers311
5other receipts312
6payment of import312
7other payment312
8delegation to AD313
10foreign currency accounts313
11liberalization of exchange control313
12sodhani committee recommendation 314
13exchange rate management315
14export import bank of India318
15functions of EXIM bank319
16incidental functions320
18export credit guarantee corporation of India323
20Need for credit insurance323
21credit insurance policies324
22SCR or standard policy324
23turnover policy324
24small exporters policy324
25specific shipment policy324
26buyer-wise policy324
27specific policy for supply contract324
28insurance cover for buyers credit and line of credit324
29services policy325
30construction works policy325
31maturity factoring325
32guarantees to bank325
33packing credit guarantee325
34export production finance guarantee325
35post shipment credit guarantee325
36export finance guarantee325
37export performance guarantee325
38export finance guarantee326
39special schemes326
40transfer guarantee326
41need for credit insurance326
42exchange fluctuations risk cover326
43ECGCturns 50326
44foreign exchange dealers association of India327
45directorate general of foreign trade329
46process of online application329
47online submission of application 330
48guarantees for maintaining the denied entities list DEL330
49general instances leading to refusal of license330
50suspension, cancellation of a license332
51right to be heard before passing an order332
52DEL management procedures332
53international chamber of commerce333
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