Which of the following aspects are essential to ensure quality of purchased items?= Defining right quality for the job , Vendor performance evaluation , Making sure that suppliers understand the requirements The ________ breakdowns usually cost more, partly due to damage done to the adjustment components and partly due to emergency actions.= Unexpected After goods have been manufactured, route sheets and operation layouts should not be collected back.= False In case of centralised inspection, inspection rooms generally become bottleneck and cause delay in taking action regarding rejection or rework.=True MRP is based on the concept of inventory demand which is of following type=Dependent and independentAny premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called=Factory Components of Production Management include=Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production PlanningWhich of the following is the criteria for the percentage defectives in the zone of the indecision?= Lots having the percentage defective more than AQL but less than LPTD Which of the following are examples of addition during recording for method study?= Brazing , Welding , Riveting The easiest way to bring the delayed job within the promised delivery time by using extra shift or weekly holiday is ________.=Overtime working An Ideal OC curve is ________ shaped curve that accpets all the lots with quality equal to or better than AQL .= Rectangular Which of the following causes can be responsible for derailing the production schedule in a factory?=Errors in drawings , Delay in receipt of material from vendor , Excessive absenteeism Which of the following situations demand the economic consideration while selecting a job for method study?= Unorderly movement of men and materials , Excessive process defectives , Too many suggestions received for improvement from a department or section During set up of X bar-R control chart, control limts should be practically revised from time to time as additional data is accumulated.= True Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality standard? #NAME? The ________ is the defect level for which lots are regarded as bad lots. #NAME? Floor inspection delays the identification of faults which can not be rectified immediately before large lots are spoiled.=False Cent percent inspection is required on WIP prior to the key, critical or costly operation.=True The document which incorporates details of process planning for a job is called=Route Sheet Repetitive movements between work stations which are difficult to be traced on string diagrams can be conveniently shown on flow diagrams. FALSE Which of the following is the most popular technique for Project Production?=PERT & CPM Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to=To meet the intended function at lowest cost What can be the worst effect due to excessive vibration? #NAME? What is the relation between duration of an activity and length of an arrow? #NAME? What is the nature of the sampling plan for critical defects? #NAME? The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking.=Condition monitoring An activity can share the same tail event and same head event with any other activity.= False The ________ must ensure that the product satisfy the functional requirements of it's usage.= Quality of design Which of the following are examples of pure materials? #NAME? The ________ are the definitions of the measurable as well as nonmeasurable characteristics of the product.=Specifications Site factors for plant location include= Suitability of land The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan.=Producer's risk Which of the following are important considerations concerningactivity times?=Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Which of the following are assignable cause?= Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors insetting What is the reason of excessive friction between parts?= Improper or lack of lubrication Which kind of labour force is required in case of Jobbing Production?= Highly Skilled What is the location of lower control limit in the X bar-R control chart? 3 standard deviations below central line Which photographic technique is used to record path of motionsof the members of the body during method study? Cyclograph The term ________ emplies the foregone profit due to inability of company to produce.= Opportunity cost Process Sheets for parts in batch production are not maintained as standard process sheet= False In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________.= 0.01 to 10% Objective of Work Study is to improve Productivity= True Which of the following are activities of corrective maintenance?= Overhauling , Emergency repairs , Modifications and improvements Inspection Order can be a verbal order=Correct Answer True Which kind of defect can be called as minor defect? Correct Answer Which does not reduce the usability of the product for itsintended use Capacity decisions have a direct influence on performance ofproduction system in respect of ________=Correct Answer Delivery performance Which of the following is not the characteristic of ProjectProduction? Correct Answer Continuous flow of material , Highly mechanised material handling , Virtually zero manufacturing cycle time Which of the following policies is advisable in case of low product variety and large volumes?Correct Answer Low Skilled Labour & Special Purpose Machines Major contributors in the development of Control Charts,Sampling plan are Correct Answer F H Dodge , H G Roming , Walter Schewhart Scale model used for layout analysis have following advantages Correct Answer Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend , Ovehead facilities can be shown , Models can be shifted easily A network can have more than one starting event but completion event must be only one.Correct Answer False Since value of p can never be positive, hence" if LCLp works out to be positive, it is taken as zero."=Correct Answer False Fixed position layout is adopted when=Correct Answer product is very heavy involving assembly of large number of parts OC curve of ideal sampling plan suggests that all lots less than 3% defectives have the probability of acceptance of ________.= One What is the reason of fluctuations, if the control chart evaluates that the process is in a state of statistical control?=Correct Answer Random variability Operation process charts though indicates the sequence of events but do not show movements.=Correct Answer True Which kind of gauge consists of electrical contacts operating a series of colloured signal lamps which indicate whether the dimension is correct, oversize or undersize?=Correct Answer Multiple gauging Which of the following are the objectives of a good maintenance system?Correct Answer Minimisation of wear and tear of machines , Ensuring maximum plant availability , Elimination of unsafe conditions What are the advantages of templates over diagrams?=Correct Answer Can be conveniently moved on the graph paper , Less laborious , Saves time Inadequate production capacity ultimately leads to=Correct Answer Poor Customer Service Inherent Safety' is one of the principle of good layout. In context of layout, this can be achieved by the following=Correct Answer Clear gangway, location of material and material handling system What do you understand by the inspection conducted on all nonreworkable jobs prior to their movement to the scrap yard?=Correct Answer Salvage inspection Which are major benefits of identifying the critical path?=Correct Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and events which arecritical and as such must be carefully controlled and monitored ,It identifies activities to be given preference in allocation of resources. , It helps to exercise "control by exception". An ________ history card is the record of all repairs,replacements and engineering changes carried out in the equipment during it's period of service.=Correct Answer Equipment history card In an organization there may not be a formal PPC department if=Correct Answer Work is highly repetitive in nature , Planning activities are performed by the line staff , Number of workmen is not very Lubrication survey should never be done for a new machine.=Correct Answer False Which are three different bases to establish an activity time?=Correct Answer Past experience , Judgement , Historical data Information received = Taking dictation,Change in physical characteristic= Punching,Addition = Assembly,Consumption of physical effort= Lifting Community Facilities = Educational facility,Proximity to market = Fragile product,Industrial and labour = Productivity of labour,Legislation and taxation = Licenses How many of the following are types of specification?=Correct Answer Material specifications , Dimensional specifications ,Performance specifications In case of forward pass computation, the earliest event time of a plain event equals the earliest event time of the preceding event plus duration of activity emanating from the preceding event.=Correct Answer True What are the advantages of three dimensional models?=Correct Answer Even non-technical person can use it , Overhead facilities can be shown , Can be shifted easily and quickly Quality control determines what, when, and how much to inspect while inspection actually conducts examination of goods.=Correct Answer True Following are some of the Principles of Management advocated by F W Taylor=Correct Answer Selection of best worker for each particular task , Division of work between worker and management , Training and development of the workmen It pays in the long run to inform the customer regarding expected delays in the deliveries.=Correct Answer True Fixation of inventory level =Reorder level ,Symptom of ill planned purchasing = Over ordering,Factor influencing material planning = Lead time,Net requirement of material under MRP =Stock on hand Which of the following are steps to identify the critical path in a small network?=Correct Answer Compare the durations of all paths to identify the longest path. , Sum up the durations of activities along each path. , Enumerate all paths in the network and list down activities on each path. In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________.=Correct Answer 0.01 to 10% Tool breakage has got nearly zero chances in case of eventual breakdown.=Correct Answer False Which are the three types of float?=Correct Answer Total float , Independent float , Free float Which of the following are major inputs to scheduling?=Correct Answer Overlapping of operations , Effective Capacity per work centre , Performance standards Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called=Correct Answer Factory The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average.=Correct Answer Acceptable quality How to calculate activity cost slope?=Correct Answer Activity cost slope = ( Crash cost - Normal cost ) / (Normal time - Crash time ) Which of the following are minimum requirement for a good quality of design?=Correct Answer Resonable cost , Resonable procurement time , Resonable manufacturing time In case of control chart, large smaples such as n=15 or 20 are used if the process standard deviation is small.=Correct Answer False Production control work is ________ in case of floor inspection as compared with the centralised inspection.=Correct Answer easier Production Planning includes =Correct Answer Predetermination of manufacturing requirements How does the control chart of statistical quality control helps the operating personnel?=Correct Answer Identify the presence of an assignable cause before it develops What do you understand by the metallergical aspects of product which forms the vital part of engineering function?=Correct Answer Material specifications Which of the following is a cause of plant breakdown?=Correct Answer Overloading of machines Dust gets mixed with lubricants, forms an abrasive substance and causes pre-mature failure of machinery.=Correct Answer True Which of the following activities are used while recording for method study?=Correct Answer Delay , Operation , Inspection In case of centralised inspection, inspection rooms generally become bottleneck and cause delay in taking action regarding rejection or rework.=Correct Answer True The ________ advocates maintenance procedures whereby the condition of the plant is constantly watched through systematic inspection to unearth unhealthy conditions and preventive =Correct Answer Preventive Maintenance The problems of congestion, bottlenecks and backtracking can not be visualized by using templates and models.=Correct Answer False Which varaible is taken along the abscissa or X axis?=Correct Answer Time Delay in completion of projects result in unwelcome additions to the fixed manufacturing expenses.=Correct Answer True Taxes / duties levied is one of the important determinant for location decision as taxes/duties substantially influence =Correct Answer Product cost What are the uses of failure statistics analysis?=Correct Answer To forecast the defect , To identify causes of major repetative failures , To quantify the frequency of preventive inspection Shop order is one of the subsidiary order=Correct Answer The component produced on completely automatic machinesmay be subjected to sampling inspection while parts produced on semi-automatic and completely manual operated machines require cent percent inspection.=Correct Answer True Which of the following factors play important role while selecting or rejecting a particular site from legislation and taxation point of view?=Correct Answer Labour laws , Building codes , Policies regarding issue of licences Which of the following aspects are essential to ensure qualityof purchased items?=Correct Answer Defining right quality for the job , Vendor performance evaluation , Making sure that suppliers understand the requirements Which of the following concepts must be understood for the achievement of quality?=Correct Answer Quality of conformance , Purpose of product , Quality of design Following are some of the factors considered for evaluation of alternative layouts=Correct Answer Flow of Material , Equipment utilization , Ease of supervision Toung =Sweet,Eye = Crack,Nose = Burnout,Ear = Impact Which are the subtasks of the maintenance phase of the method study?=Correct Answer Monitoring and control , Performance appraisal ,Audit on savings Which of the following are characteristics of an operating characteristics curve?=Correct Answer Producer risk , Consumer Risk , Acceptable Quality Level The ________ breakdowns usually cost more, partly due to damage done to the adjustment components and partly due to emergency actions.= Correct Answer Unexpected Why stores issue order should not be issued as soon as it is prepared?=Correct Answer Material may or may not be available at the time of preparation Plant layout facilitates processing of products in most effective manner through the following=Correct Answer Shortest possible distance , Shortest processing time ,Minimum movement After goods have been manufactured, route sheets and operation layouts should not be collected back.=Correct Answer False Process planning is the process of =Correct Answer establishing shortest and most economic path of production The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as=Correct Answer Operation The ________ is specified to indicate the maximum permissible variability in the dimensions product or parts.=Correct Answer Tolerance Goods after final inspection should accompany ________to enable dispatch department to identify and draw correct reference. =Correct Answer Forwarding note The ________ includes preventive maintenance activities whose needs are identified through inspection which requires stoppage of machines.=Correct Answer Shutdown Maintenance A load chart specifies the work to be carried out by each person of company during shift hours.=Correct Answer False Under MRP system for common items order for procurement is placed based on requirement for each product=Correct Answer False What do you understand by the extent the products manufactured conforms to the laid down design?=Correct Answer Quality of conformance The ________ is necessary when the job requires detailed of one or more of the job characteristics with the help of special equipment which is not available at the producing company.=Correct Answer Inspection order Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality standard?=Correct Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viableI n case of forward pass computation, the earliest event time of the first event is zero.=Correct Answer True Which kind of possible defectives can be reduced due to first off inspection?=Correct Answer Due to mistakes in reading blue prints , Due to errors in tooling , Due to wrong machine set up A sampling plan which perfectly discriminates will have vertical OC curve.=Correct Answer True Which of the following is a part of preparing manufacturing order set as a primary function of dispatching?=Correct Answer Operational layouts , Move orders , Pre-filled stores issue orders Specifications is the basic tool of inspection.=Correct Answer True Forcasting requirement for indirect material =Past consumption analysistechnique ,Inventory control by classification = ABC Analysis,Structure of the product = BOM,Material Planning for dependent demand=MRP The document raised by PPC which authorises different functions to take action as per instruction is called=Correct Answer Work Order Who prepares the daily production report?=Correct Answer Shop Supervisor A lot declared rejected in sampling inspection should not be inspected 100% in any case.=Correct Answer False How is the probability of acceptance in case of Acceptable Quality Level (AQL )?=Correct Answer Very high Which are the different methods of recording actual progress of work?=Correct Answer Display boards , Progress cards , Network updating The dispatching function is of very importance in flow and mass production units.=Correct Answer False Proper care and storage is not an essential part of a well planned lubrication system.=Correct Answer False The ________ pertain to the climatic conditions which the component , product or material should withstand.=Correct Answer Environmental specifications Which of the following are examples of addition during recording for method study?=Correct Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting An Ideal OC curve is ________ shaped curve that accpets all the lots with quality equal to or better than AQL .=Correct Answer Rectangular Which of the following causes can be responsible for derailing the production schedule in a factory?=Correct Answer Errors in drawings , Delay in receipt of material from vendor , Excessive Repetitive movements between work stations which are difficult to be traced on string diagrams can be conveniently shown on flow diagrams.=Correct Answer False Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to=Correct Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Which of the following techniques is used by industrial engineering department to obtain the utilisation index?=Correct Answer Work Sampling Studies Which of the following cases can be referred as operation in method study recording?=Correct Answer Change in physical characteristic , Consumption of physical effort , Change in chemical characteristic An activity can share the same tail event and same head event with any other activity.=Correct Answer False The ________ must ensure that the product satisfy the functional requirements of it's usage.=Correct Answer Quality of design Which of the following defects can be observed during preventive inspection by using human senses?=Correct Answer Deviation from normal sound , Excessive Vibration , Leakage of a gas Independent float either affects the float of preceding activities or that of succeeding activities.=Correct Answer False Lack of material planning results in the following =Correct Answer Over ordering , under ordering , stockouts F W Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called Therbligs=Correct Answer False Work study is also called ________ study=Correct Answer Time and Motion Factor Analysis =Method to evaluate layouts ,Minimization of production delays=Objective of good layout,Maximum visibility = Principles of good layout,Scale model =Layout analysis Following is one of the techniques used for Material Planning for high value material=Correct Answer MRP What do you understand by totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on it's ability to satisfy the customer?=Correct Answer Quality One of the sophisticated operations research techniques used in material planning is=Correct Answer Dynamic programming Product layout is employed for manufacturing following products=Correct Answer refrigirators Which of the following situations demand the technical consideration while selecting a job for method study?=Correct Answer Jobs having inconsistent quality , Operations inviting frequent requests from supervisors for relaxation in allowed time because of variations in materials and tool performance , Jobs in which too many man-hours are spend in checking and rechecking work Quality control determines what, when, and how much to inspect while inspection actually conducts examination of goods.=Correct Answer True All activities must not be tied up into the network= Correct Answer False Which of the following may be the objectives of project crashing?=Correct Answer To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources , To complete the project in the least possible time , To reduce project cost below it's normal cost What is indicated by the hugging points lying close to mean of the process in X bar-R- control chart?=Correct Answer Biases in measurements , Recording done without actual measurements , Improper selection of samples Material Requirement Planning is very useful in following situations=Correct Answer Long Lead time for procurement , Several levels of assemblies in product , Long manufacturing cycle C ent percent inspection is often more practical and economical than sampling inspection.=Correct Answer False Both, preventive and breakdown maintenance work must be assigned to the same team.=Correct Answer False Following is one of the tasks of Production Control =Correct Answer Actual issue of forms and documents Process Engineer does not get sufficient time for designing tooling for most economic production run when=Correct Answer Delivery time is less Which of the following products should be produced by using mass production?=Correct Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set What is the specific name for the Gantt chart when it shows at a glance the scheduling of various operations involved in a job?= Correct Answer Job Schedule A set of activities to keep an equipment in the specified condition is called as ________.=Correct Answer Maintenance What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's crashed time?=Correct Answer Crash cost Which of the following factors decide the choice between the cent percent and sampling inspection?=Correct Answer Nature of inspection , Natural tolerance versus design tolerance , Vendor's quality rating Which of the following are examples of attributes?=Correct Answer Cracks , Burrs , Texture In mass/batch production organizations where goods are produced for stocking, Work Order is raised on the basis of=Correct Answer Sales Programme Fixed Position Layout =Project Layout ,Product Layout =Line Layout,Process Layout =Functional Layout ,Combined Layout= Mixed Layout What do you understand by the measurement of work to establish allowed time for a job for the defined method?=Correct Answer Work measurement Which are the distinct functions of scientific quality control?=Correct Answer Acceptance function , Preventive function , Assurance function Interruption for machine utilisation = Preventivemaintenance,Input for scheduling =Overlapping of operations Technique of scheduling =Critical Path Analysis,Scheduling Device=Strings Breakdown of machines, absenteeism of worker does not dislocate the manufacturing activity in process layout=Correct Answer True Since value of c can never be negativee, hence" if LCLp works out to be negative, it is taken as zero."=Correct Answer True An ideal OC curve is never possible only with cent percent inspection.=Correct Answer False Table lubrication =Weekly ,Draining and refilling of oil reserviors of plunger pump = Yearly,Parts lubricated with oil nipple =Daily,Tools and slideways= two to three times a day The operator should not stop production if first piece is not approved by the inspector.=Correct Answer False For p-chart, the central line of fraction defectives is determined by average percentage defectives.=Correct Answer True Expediting function is concerned with following activities =Correct Answer Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department , Devising cures to keep rate of production in line with schedule When should operator or supervisor is supposed to sign the perforated route sheet?=Correct Answer After completion of operation What are the benefits of reconditioning?=Correct Answer Eliminates problems and frequent breakdowns ,Increases life of an equipment , It helps to plan requirement of replacement The plotting of activities - critical, non-critical and dummy activities- is strictly according to their precedence relationship.=Correct Answer True Following is not a function of PPC=Correct Answer Product Planning Which of the following three methods used to select the qualified supplier?=Correct Answer By vendor plant surveys , By reputation , By experience The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable.=Correct Answer Quality control Pessimistic time= b ,Expected time = Te,Optimistic time =a ,Most likely time = m One of the characterstic of layout is about the flow of material / personnel. In a good layout the flow should be=Correct Answer Unidirectional Operation Layout generally contains following information =Correct Answer Part Sketch , Standard Time , Jigs and fixtures What do you mean by the graphical representation of the project which is composed as series of connected arrows and circles to describe the interrelationship of the activities involved?=Correct Answer Network Where does the SPC exercises the control to prevent the occurances of defectives?=Correct Answer On manufacturing process In Gantt Chart, the horizontal lines devide vertical lines into sections which represents either operations or work centres.=Correct Answer True Floor inspection promotes tendency of machines to drift out of limits and produce defectives.=Correct Answer False Which are the different methods to record details of the existing method during method study=Correct Answer Charts , Diagrams , Templates or models Gross requirement of products is determined on the basis of =Correct Answer Both forecast and pending orders Which method of critical path determination begins with the end event and moves backward to the start event of the project network?=Correct Answer Backward pass computation Complexity and difficulty of Planning is influenced by types of layout=Correct Answer True For p-chart, p bar is the ratio of total number of units inspected to the total number of units defectives.=Correct Answer False What is represented by an arrow in a network?=Correct Answer Activity MRP utilises the following information=Correct Answer Master production schedule , Product structure , Lead time for procurement/manufacturing Which is the ideal place to write a description of an activity in a network?=Correct Answer Above the arrow systematic maintenance system can completely eliminate the wear and tear of machines.=Correct Answer False Which of the following are types of non-destructive testing?=Correct Answer Visual Testing , Eddy current , Magnetic flow detectors Providing flexibility in plant layout means=Correct Answer Layout can be changed without much cost if required Which of the following are scheduling techniques?=Correct Answer Critical Path Analysis , Index Method , Johnson's two machine algorithm A network should be progression of activities always moving forward.=Correct Answer True Order preparation process for products manufatured to order requires following documents=Correct Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order What do you understand by the selection of the job for the method study on the basis of money saving potential of the job? =Correct Answer Economic consideration Production Planning is a centralised activity which includes functions such as ________=Correct Answer Scheduling Which is the ideal place to inspect jigs and fixtures in a mass manufacturing unit?=Correct Answer Separate inspection room How to reveal the capability of the sampling plan to discriminate between good lots and bad lots?=Correct Answer Operating characteristics curve ( OC ) It would not affect the project completion time if non-critical activities take little loner time than planned.=Correct Answer True Which features should be covered by the specifications of materials while defining the qualitative equirement?=Correct Answer Material composition , Dimensions , Any heat treatment if required Which of the following are types of sampling plan?=Correct Answer Single sampling plan , Double sampling plan , Multiple sampling plan Which of the following are ideal situations for the preventive inspection?=Correct Answer Weekly off and holidays , Non-production hours ,Stand-up equipment What do you mean by the chart on which the major activities and entry points of materials are recorded to have graphic view of operationsand inspections involved in the process?=Correct Answer Operation process chart As a general rule, the number of tail event of an activity is more than that of it's head event.=Correct Answer False What is the base for considering activity time as single time estimate or three time estimate?=Correct Answer Level of uncertainty Which of the following cases can be treated as delay duringrecording of method study?=Correct Answer Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor ,Worker waiting for his turn at tools stores , Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn Inspection order is must even for simple jobs which can be inspected by shop inspector with the tooling available on shop.=Correct Answer False Which of the following technique is event oriented ?=Correct Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique What is the meaning of " Product features" according to J.M.Juran?=Correct Answer Quality of design Crash cost of an activity = Cc,Normal time of an activity = Tn,Crash time of activity = Tc,Normal cost of an activity = Cn What are uses of diagrams in method study?=Correct Answer Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one , Study the extent of traffic over the different routes of the plant , Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles encountered during the movement of material. Route Sheet generally contains following information=Correct Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour Cellular layout is based on the concept of Group Technology=Correct Answer True Which are the advantages of suburban location? =Correct Answer Avaialability of adequate land at lower cost , Both skilled and unskilled labour can be available , Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction As a general rule, a site five times the actual plant size is considered minimum for parking, access facilities and future expansion.=Correct Answer True Site selection should also take into account topography and soil structure of the land.=Correct Answer True Which manufacturing method is ideal for the use of air gauges as inspection device?=Correct Answer Mass Kanban system is essentially a computer based system for production scheduling and control=Correct Answer False In case of X bar, if the process is not under control indicated by some points falling outside the control limits, such points outside the control limits are eliminated and new trial control limits for the remaining points are computed.=Correct Answer True Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing method, one is, it must be able to meet the specifications of final product and the other is, it must be=Correct Answer Cost effective method Which are the major types of defects?=Correct Answer Minor , Major , Critical Which are the sources of information to update the progresscard daily?=Correct Answer Detachable ticket , Daily production report , Job Card In case of Batch Production which kind of labour is expected?=Correct Answer Skilled in one specific Manufacturing Process Feasibility of time schedule requires that an activity be scheduled before any of it's predecessors are scheduled.=Correct Answer False Which kind of relationship exists between those activities which can be carried out simultaneously and both activities require definite time to finish?=Correct Answer Concurrent activities One major difference between CPM and PERT is the former's adaptability for the projects where high degree of uncertainty prevails and activity times during performance are expected to vary considerably for certain activities.=Correct Answer False Even in a small set up wherein maintenance of a machine is looked after by a mechanic cum worker, he should report directly to the person responsible for the manufacturing operations.=Correct Answer True Plant Layout decisions are considered to be=Correct Answer Strategic What are the uses of the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer of a machine?=Correct Answer It gives instructions regarding installation and operation of the equipment , It contains note on common troubles with causes and remedies for troubleshooting , It enlists points, frequency and type of lubrication Which of the following situations demand that the human consideration should be given preference over other considerations?=Correct Answer Inconsistent earnings where the earnings are tied to output , Poor morale evidenced by petty or trivial complaints , Repeated cases of accidents and health hazards When to inspect = Stages of inspection,What to inspect = Specification,How to inspect =Inspection devices, How much to inspect =inspection Sampling orcent percent inspection How the concept of float is helpful to planners?=Correct Answer To decide priorities in allocation of resources , To minimize the requirement of resources , To prevent peaks and valleys in requirement of resources Following are some of the factors which influence process planning=Correct Answer Order Quantity , Process capability of machine , Delivery Dates Availability of training schools, colleges and management institutes reduces the company's internal training needs.=Correct Answer True Material Planning is an integral part of =Correct Answer Production Planning The ________ is one of the best known statistical relationship regarding process control.=Correct Answer Normal distribution In case of two handed process chart, inspection symbol is used when check by touch or feel is involved.=Correct Answer True Which are reason due to which the progress of work is rarely in line with it's plan?=Correct Answer Absenteeism , Machine breakdowns , Substandard performance against prefixed production standards Which rule is used for numbering of events?=Correct Answer Fulkerson's Rule What does the points falling outside the control limits indicate?=Correct Answer Presence of assignable causes A good plant layout helps in=Correct Answer Reducing handling costs Principle underlying the Moving Average mrthod is that future demand shall be ________ past demand.=Correct Answer Average of The ratio of output to input of a production system is commonly known as=Correct Answer Productivity Which phase of method study is concerned with analyzing the facts critically, generating alternatives which form the basis for selection and development of improved methods?=Correct Answer Critical examination The wage payable to the workman is calculated by ________ the quantity produced by him by the specified rate per piece, in the straight piece rate method.=Correct Answer Multiplying We can say that ________ occurs when there is a distinct change in the physical or chemical characteristic of an object. =Correct Answer Operation There is no need for progressing when the customers do the follow-up on their own to know the status of their jobs.=Correct Answer False In case of two handed process chart, the simultaneous activities of both hands are recorded opposite to each other on the chart. =Correct Answer True Material control function of PPC is concerned with =Correct Answer Preparation of material estimates Which of the following are examples of specifications?=Correct Answer Commercial standards , Assembly and testing instructions ,Bill of material The design of any layout is governed by large number of factors and the best layout is expected to ________ all these factors.=Correct Answer Optimise How should a dummy activity be represented in a network?=Correct Answer By dotted line Activities comprising of a project are of two types, deterministic and ________.=Correct Answer Variable A ________ is another form of subcontracting.=Correct Answer Hiring capacity Which of the following possibilities can be explored by using flow process chart?=Correct Answer Eliminating the operations or combining the operations with another , Reducing the distance traveled bythe workmen or materials , Avoiding the waiting time and thereby reduce production losses The event numbers as far as possible reflect the logical relationships of the activities.=Correct Answer true A properly designed sampling plan can control sampling errors and completely eliminate them.=Correct Answer False A ________helps to avoid crowding of jobs at a particular machine by change of route of some of the jobs or by diverting work to other machine.=Correct Answer Control Which are the general principles underlying probability aspects of project planning?=Correct Answer Statistically three time estimate of an activity conform to Beta distribution . ,Expected time divides the area under the curve into two equal parts. , Expected time of an activity is located at one third of the distance between "m" and mid-range { (a+b)/2 } away from the most likely time. Bottom compartment of controlboard=Bunch of work orders arranged in a sequence in which they are to be processed., Control board =Pictorial view of machine loading activity,Top compartment of control board =Work order of item currently being worked on the machine,Middle compartment of control board= Work order of item to be processed next on the machine Which is the right time to prepare stores issue order? =Correct Answer When route sheet is ready The control chart for number of defectives is more convenient to make than control chart for fraction defectives sincethe fugure of number of defectives units can be directly taken from the inspection report. =Correct Answer True How much time does the dummy activity take?=Correct Answer Zero Time What does tail of an arrow represent?=Correct Answer Start of an activity The ________ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan.=Correct Answer Consumer's risk Which of the following are the most suitable cases where we can use CPA as effective technique of scheduling? =Correct Answer Overhauling of a CNC machine , Purchase and installation of a newly imported special purpose machine , Design, production and testing ofprototype of a fighter aircraft. The steeper the OC curve, the better is the discrimination between good and bad lots.=Correct Answer True Which are the different types of flow process charts used for method study?=Correct Answer Equipment type , Man type , Material type Use of accurate measuring instruments and better supervision for inspectors is not possible in case of floor inspection as compared to centralized inspection system.=Correct Answer True Process Planning is concerned with decisions regarding requirement of machines and manpower for meeting customer demand =Correct Answer False All activities lying on the non-critical paths must have total float and free float.=Correct Answer False Which of the following method can be adopted to overcome the problem of rushing up a job for it's timely completion? =Correct Answer Use of optimum speeds and feeds , Subcontracting , Job splitting Which of the following data is unnecessary for scheduling process?=Correct Answer Cost breakup of products Which of the following are the major steps of making of the X bar-R control chart? Correct Answer Collection of data , Claculation of mean,range,grand average and mean range Set up control chart for average and calculate control limits of range chart What are the benefits of inspection and quality control?=Correct Answer Adequate maintenance of quality , Ensures parts are within specified limits of accuracy , Gives economy in production through reduction of defective work What do you mean by design modifications made to reduce time and effort required in carrying out maintenance work ?=Correct Answer Design-in Maintenance Which of the following technique makes three time estimates for each activity? =Correct Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique Which three of the following are causes of continuous upward pattern of Xbar-R control chart?=Correct Answer Wear of tool , Abnormal rise in temperature , Accumulation of dirt Inspection should be conducted on all incoming materials, semifinished items, bought out components, subcontract items prior to any operation, assembly.=Correct Answer True What do you understand by the quality specified by the designer on behalf the ustomer?=Correct Answer Quality of design Maintenance function must be decentralised apart from a size of a manufacturing organisation for it's better functioning. =Correct Answer False Which method is used to trace especially those movements which are too fast for human eye to pursue? =Correct Answer Cyclegraph Template = Two dimensional cutouts,REL chart = Degree of closeness,Flow diagram =Tracing movements ,Travel chart =Distance and frequency of movements Which information is recorded in an equipment card? =Correct Answer Date of commissioning , Equipment specifications , Name and address of manufacturer Inspection should be avoided prior to long run of a manufacturing stage as it becomes duplication of work and cost. =Correct Answer False Plant Layout is concerned with optimum arrangement of the following =Correct Answer Storage space , Machines , Material Handling Equipment What is the location of upper control limit in the X bar-R control chart?=Correct Answer 3 standard deviations above central line While numbering as per Fulkerson's rule, arrows emerging from the initial event are deleted so as to create one or more initial events. =Correct Answer True Which characteristics are verified in cent percent sampling? =Correct Answer All important characteristics Features of Cellular layout are=Correct Answer It is a type of mixed layout , Uses concept of Group Technology , Facilities are grouped in to cells Which of the following factors affect the quality control function? =Correct Answer Quality of workmanship , Production aids , Manufacturing facilities Where does the central line is located in case of p-chart? =Correct Answer at p bar The product layout has following disadvantage=Correct Answer Layout is not flexible OC curve of ideal sampling plan suggests that all lots less than 3% defectives have the probability of acceptance of ________. =Correct Answer one What do you understand by the difference between the specification limits within which manufacturing process is expected to produce?=Correct Answer Design tolerance Fixed cost is lower in case of continuous production than intermittent production.=Correct Answer False Technique which can help an organization to reduce inventory is called=Correct Answer MRP Temperature of motor =Body,Exhaust gas = Smell,Air leakage = Listen, Corrosion = Watch What is the meaning of surplus material in context with stores issue order? = Correct Answer Materials issued are not fully consumed Cent percent inspection is often more practical and economical than sampling inspection.=Correct Answer False Sample sizes for the construction of p-chart are typically larger that for Xbar-R-charts.=Correct Answer True What is the basic philosophy of statistical process control?=Correct Answer Prevention is better than cure Which of the following cases indicates change in physical characteristic?=Correct Answer Turning , Grinding , Drilling What do you mean by the verification of object against predetermined standards of quality or quantity or both?=Correct Answer Inspection How non-critical activities are shown in the time chart during project scheduling?=Correct Answer Thin lines Every network does not necessarily have a critical path.=Correct Answer False Scrap allowance is added to net requirement of material while ordering for material =Correct Answer True The ________ is the process of withdrawing the equipment from the production line, dismantling it unitwise, visualising defects, effecting adjustments, replacing worn-out parts and finally building it up to get desired accuracies.=Correct Answer Reconditioning Flow process charts do record movements as well as visual pictures.=Correct Answer False Which of the following are examples of consumption of physical effort during recording for method study?=Correct Answer Bending , Positioning , Unloading Which three of the following options can be used to reduce the duration of activity during project crashing?=Correct Answer Allocating more manpower and machines than originally planned for. , Working additional shifts or overtime. , Awarding work to vendors who charge extra but expedite deliveries. Which is the next stage to the inspection based quality control in the historical development of quality management. =Correct Answer Quality Sampling inspection is best suited when cost of inspection is much higher than the loss arising from the acceptance of a defective part.=Correct Answer True Which element of a network represents a task which has got a definite beginning and definite end?=Correct Answer Activity Following are the commonly used factors considered for evaluation of layout in factor analysis method =Correct Answer Flow of material , Equipment utilization , Working condition A good maintenance system is not a luxary but a ________.=Correct Answer Necessity Which portion of the perforated route sheet should be signed by the operator or supervisor?=Correct Answer Lower portion Scale model Layout analysis Modelling approach to layouts=Factor Analysis Theoretical capacity equals number of normal working hours of that machine.=Correct Answer True Which are the basic requirements of the " Quality of Design "?=Correct Answer Identification of right product , Selection of appropriate features , Ensure that product renders satisfactory service to customer Skill of labour force in a product type layout is usually higher than in the process type of layout =Correct Answer False Diversified labour is adequately available in rural area as compared to urban area.=Correct Answer False In case of backward pass computation, the latest event time of the end event equals to the earliest event time minus duration of that activity.=Correct Answer False Suburban location provides the compromise netween rural and urban locations.=Correct Answer True Which time is determined by the backward pass computation method of determination of critical path ?=Correct Answer Latest allowable time for each event Which kind of preventive inspection detects some maintenance related characteristics by making use of human senses, when equipment is in operation?=Correct Answer Extrernal inspection How dummy activities are shown in the time chart during project scheduling?=Correct Answer Vertical lines Which utilities are considered as infrastructural requirements?=Correct Answer Disposal of waste , Power , Water What do you understand by the timeframe for the maintenance needs of the equipment?=Correct Answer Maintenance inspection schedule Gross requirement of finished product is determined on the basis of following=Correct Answer Forecasted sales , Pending sales order , Management decision to stock The OC curve is based on the assumption that if the lot is large in comparison to the sample, the probabilities of the OC curve will follow a poisson distribution.=Correct Answer False Scheduling of interrelated activities of small projects with consideration of uncertainty of duration of activities. = Critical Path Analysis,Two machines & processing time depends on sequence of job loading= Johnson's Two Machine Algorithm,Sufficient orders and resonable choice of machines= Index Method,Time relationship between when a product is required and when it can be made available=Critical Ratio Scheduling Shape od an OC curve is a function of sample size and the acceptance number.=Correct Answer True Which of the following can be subtypes of corrective maintenance?=Correct Answer Shutdown Maintenance , Design-out Maintenance , Design-in Maintenance For p-chart, "Inspection by variables" is much faster than "Inspection by attributes"=Correct Answer False Cent percent inspection is a must if the inspection is of destructive nature.=Correct Answer False What do you understand by PERT ? =Correct Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique Originating process of raw material influence Process Planning =Correct Answer True A network should employ only those dummy activities which are absolutely necessary.=Correct Answer True While making X bar-R-chart, values of X bar and R are recoded samplewise either on the extreme right of the individual measurements on the data sheet or in a separate sheet.=Correct Answer True Even if any activity on the critical path is delayed, project completes on the scheduled time.=Correct Answer False Which is the alternative way of indicating the load other than numerical way, in case of Gantt chart ?=Correct Answer Graphical approach Which of the following cases indicated that the operation has occurred?=Correct Answer Movement of components to assembly section , Raw material movement , A worker's trip to grinder to sharpen the tools Product layout is suitable when =Correct Answer Products have reasonable stable demand which of the following charts are used for the recording of data during the method study?=Correct Answer Operation process chart , Multiple activity chart , Flow process chart Need for change in layout can occur due to following reason =Correct Answer introduction of new product What do you mean by a single event which represents the joint completion of more than one activities? =Correct Answer Merge event How industry has responded to the fact of existence of inherent variability of the manufacturing process?=Correct Answer Inclusion of certain tolerance on the basic dimensions in the drawing Which are the three distinct parts of the chart?=Correct Answer Summary , Introduction , Body Latest finishing date is the latest event time of the tail event.=Correct Answer False Why graphical method of recording is preferred over the descriptive method during method study?=Correct Answer It segregates effective part form ineffective parts , It reduces effort involved in writing , Critical examinations easier and more effective Which are the subfactors of community facilities or social infrastructure? =Correct Answer Accomodation , Educational , Entertainment How to claculate the producer risk in the OC Curve?=Correct Answer Probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling Operation Process Chart provides information on time and distances =Correct Answer False Expediting action is necessary if the delays and interruptions are abnormal and hence any subsequent delay is bound to extend the promised delivery date.=Correct Answer True Function concerned with fixation of time allowed to qualified worker for a job is called ________.=Correct Answer Work Measurement Root cause of most of the breakdowns is failure of the lubrication system.=Correct Answer True What are the benefits of overhauling?=Correct Answer It increases useful life of an equipment and it's parts, Advance planning allows to attend equipment without disturbing the production programme , Advance planning allows to prepare and keep ready the list of replacement spares It is not necessary to know spare time available on the non-critical path to allow a little delay for noncritical activity.=Correct Answer False Two welknown timing methods are cumulative method and ________.=Correct Answer Fly back method How many types of charts are used for the purpose of method study?=Correct Answer Four Sampling inspection suffice to check the work of line inspectors and stage inspectors.=Correct Answer True Where the ignorance towards the degradation of machine leads to?=Correct Answer Eventual breakdown The ________ is a set of tools and techniques by which products are made to comply with the specifications at minimum cost to the firm.=Correct Answer Quality control system A ________ is another typical chart which is used to recordfrequency of movements between work centers.=Correct Answer Travel chart Cent percent inspection does not mean inspection of component for 100% quality characteristics.=Correct Answer True Any incentive scheme must achieve the ________ of the organisation.=Correct Answer Objectives Document raised by Sales department for goods manufactured to stock is called=Correct Answer Shipment order Three time estimates are transformed into expected time before using it into a network.=Correct Answer True What do you mean by planned corrective manitenance which provides an opportunity to undertake design modifications in the equipment to eliminate or reduce frequency of breakdowns.=Correct Answer Design-out Maintenance For p-chart, fraction defective units in each sample is calculated by dividing number of defectives by the number of pieces in the sample. =Correct Answer True What is the name of the document on which details of the process are recorded by the symbols and charting conventions?=Correct Answer=Chart Which kind of inspection is followed in case of process layout?=Correct Answer Recording of movement is not necessary in case of method study in any form.=Correct Answer False Which kind of natural delays and interruptions are considered during estimation of activity time?=Correct Answer Shop efficiency , Breakdowns , Absenteeism Grouping of machines gives a lot of flexibility in loading and scheduling =Correct Answer True Which are the first three steps of Critical Path Analysis technique?=Correct Answer Activity relationships , Activity identification , Network construction What do you understand by the critical analysis of existing jobs to develop easier and effective method?=Correct Answer Method study What do you understand by identification of defects in materials, components, machining processes or men to fix responsibility of defectives, thereby preventing or minimising occurance of defectives?=Correct Answer Preventive function What do you mean by the selection of the job for the method study on the basis of manufacturing difficulties?=Correct Answer Technical consideration Which are the distinguished features of TQM ?=Correct Answer Covers all kinds of industries , Gradual removal of interdepartmental barriers , Continuous improvement What do you understand by the properties which are difficult to measure quantitatively but usually measured by the comarision and then classification into acceptable or unacceptable?=Correct Answer Attributes Which of the following factors related to the labour and wages are considered while deciding the plant location?=Correct Answer Prevailing wage pattern , Productivity of labour , Industrial relations Quality can not be inspected into a product, it must be manufactured into it by the supplier.=Correct Answer The earliest start time of an activity equals earliest time for the event from which activity arrow originates.=Correct Answer True Which are the factors on which the structure of the transportation cost depends?=Correct Answer Average distance of shipment , Characteristics of the commodity , Medium of shipment Management often fails to realize the importance of efficient layout due to following reason=Correct Answer losses resulting from poor layout are not directly shown in the financial statements Process layout is also called line layout=Correct Answer False Which of the following observations are expected from the preventive maintenance person?=Correct Answer Wrong allignments , Overheating defects , Excessive play Job life is one of the factors that influence Process Planning=Correct Answer True Labour turnover rate is higher in case of rural area as compared to urban area.=Correct Answer False Number of defectives chart = np-chart,Range chart -R chart ,Fraction defective chart =p-chart,Defects chart = c-chart Which of the following information is available in summary of part in a chart during methods study?=Correct Answer Frequency of each symbol , Total time for each symbol , Total distance travelled by the object Which of the following activities can become a part of a preventive maintenance system?=Correct Answer Condition monitoring , Planned Lubrication , Preventive inspection In case of two handed process chart, storage symbol is used when either hand is used as grip or vice to hold an object.=Correct Answer True Which of the following industries justify the use of move order?=Correct Answer Power plant , Steel plant , Heavy machinery manufacturing Which document is used for returning the surplus material?=Correct Answer Stores Return Note A good layout makes effective use of space. Utilization of space for a department like Stores can be measured by=Correct Answer Proportion of Cubic volume space utilized What do you mean by the study of repetitive short cycle operations which involve quick hand / feet motions?=Correct Answer Micromotion study Which is the most popular scientific tool for project planning?=Correct Answer Critical path analysis Planned lubrication is said to be the nervous system of the equipment.=Correct Answer True Since recording by descriptive method has it's limitations, it is not recommended for use in method study.=Correct Answer True Which are the different situations in which the process capability studies of the various process are likely to fit?=Correct Answer Process variability is just adequate , Good process variability but bad process One of the following is not a gross material=Correct Answer cotton Limit gauges are not useful when it is necessary to measure the exact amount of variation.=Correct Answer True Which are different ways to show critical path in a network?=Correct Answer Thick Line , Red Line , Double Line Provision of drainage facilities is important for the following type of industry =Correct Answer Chemical Process How does motion economy prove useful in mass production?=Correct Answer It improves work bench layout and evolve logical sequence of assembly of parts In case of backward pass computation method, the latest event time represents the atest occurrence time of the event.=Correct Answer True In a control chart, as a general rule, time interval should be inversely proportional to the average frequency of out of control conditions.=Correct Answer False What is expected from stores department after they receive the stores issue order from dispatcher?=Correct Answer Keep material ready for issue to shop when authorized Which are the three basic types of control chart by attribute?=Correct Answer p-chart , c-chart , np-chart Which of the following symbols are used in flow process chart but not used in operation process chart?=Correct Answer Storage , Delay , Transport Which of the following are illustrations of inspection?=Correct Answer Physical count of incoming material against the quantity mentioned in delivery challan , A dimensional check with measuring instrument , Visual check of burrs and finish Breakdown is inversly proportional to the investment in W.I.P.=Correct Answer False Which of the following schedules are recommended to prepare and follow as a part of preventive maintenance system?=Correct Answer Preventive inspection schedule , Cleaning and upkeep schedule , Lubrication schedule What is the basic minimum requirement for those who are responsible for the quality of design?=Correct Answer In depth knowledge about alternative materials and manufacturing processes , access to latest technology and production process adopted by industries in the developed market , Continuous effort in product development Regular lubrication with carefully selected lubricants is an essential factor in themaintenance of high grade machine tools working under continuous load.=Correct Answer True Following is not an input information for Process Planning=Correct Answer Inventory level Data from Process Sheet can be used to =Correct Answer Prepare load and schedule charts Which kind of inspection is followed in case of product layout?=Correct Answer Pilot inspection Dispatching function is not a part of Production Planning =Correct Answer True Which of the following variables which operate periodically are the reasons for the cyclic pattern depicting peaks and valleys during Xbar-R control chart?=Correct Answer Wornout positions , Fatigue , Roller eccentricity Plant location decisions concern following type of organizations=Correct Answer Manufacturing and service organizations Craft = Facilities Planning,Work Sampling =Machine utilization,Gantt Chart = Production Scheduling,Emerson Efficiency Plan = Wage Payment What do you understand by inspection conducted on all jobs received back from a customer as defectives?=Correct Answer Appraisal inspection What does the additional cost incurred to reduce the duration of an activity by one unit of time represent?=Correct Answer Activity cost slope What do you mean by the preventive maintenance by using five human senses?=Correct Answer Preventive inspection What is indicated by the erratic pattern points falling above and below the control limits in the Xbar-R-control chart?=Correct Answer Defects in materials , Poorly trained operators , Frequent adjustments of machines Which kind of preventive inspection detects some defects in moving parts, internal cracks, and others , when machine is under preplanned shutdown?=Correct Answer Internal inspection Why method study should precede work measurement?=Correct Answer Time for a job can be accessed accurately only after standardizing the method Which of the following processes or activities are denoted by using symbols while recording in method study?=Correct Answer Transport , Delay , Storage Which is the zone beyond LTPD in case of Oc curve of a general plan?=Correct Answer Zone of rejection An activity should represent an operation or set of operations which can be performed using a particular kind of equipment or a special skill.=Correct Answer True Which chart sets out the sequence of flow of work of a product, or any part of it through the section or department or a factory by recording the eventsunder review using appropriate symbols?=Correct Answer Flow process chart In exponential smoothing method,for a stable demand pattern and better smoothing effect, value of fraction( Alpha) selected is =Correct Answer 0.05 to 0.10 short cycle job should be studied for macroscopic motions.=Correct Answer False Which industry out of the following industries require maximum consideration for safety factor while selecting plant location?=Correct Answer Nuclear power plant How to exercise control over quality?=Correct Answer Periodical analysis of inspecting reports to establish causes of rejections , Preperation of quality standard and specifications , Exercising control over inputs Any proposed change must not be intimated to workers in advance.=Correct Answer False One of the external factors influencing Material Planning is =Correct Answer Price trends Only skilled worker can use the fixed limit gauge.=Correct Answer False Which of the following are typical examples of limit gauges?=Correct Answer Snap gauge , Plug gauge , Ring gauge If the firm has adopted elaborate planned maintenance system, there is no chance of any unplanned maintenance work.=Correct Answer False Which varaible is taken along the ordinate or Y axis?=Correct Answer Quality In case of X bar-R charts,it is ensured that the assignable causes are detected before the tolerances are violated,upper and lower statistical limits are worked out andinserted into a chart.=Correct Answer True What do you mean by CPM?=Correct Answer Critical Path Who has introduced the useful concept of control chart in 1931?=Correct Answer Walter Shewhart Which of the following are uses of the lubricants?=Correct Answer Retard rate of wear and tear of moving parts , Protect parts from moisture and dust ,Keep temperature of bearings within allowable limits Process type layout is suitable when=Correct Answer there is wide variation in processing time of operations Breakdown of a machine is normally accompanied by added machine setup cost such as resetting of jobs or change of jobs.=Correct Answer True Which of the following are examples of gross materials?=Correct Answer Timber , Iron ore , Sugar cane Mixed layouts are generally used in case of product is to be produced in different sizes/types: contains too many components=Correct Answer True Inspection should be conducted prior to an operaion, after whose completion no rework whatsoever is possible.=Correct Answer True MRP software generates time periodwise requiremetn of subassemblies=Correct Answer True The decisions which are relate to daily decisions like leave records etc.which are mundane in nature & highly routined & can be done at a junior level are=Correct Answer operational decisions Strategic management is concerned with=Correct Answer long- range planning Mass media includes=Correct Answer radio, TV, internet etc. What is Statistical Quality Control(SQC)=Correct Answer Identifies quality and productivity from a production process , Identifies impact of any change on performance , Instantly spots malfunctions and show where they occur ETOP stands for ________.=Correct Answer environmental threat & opportunity profile The various areas covered by social responsibility are=Correct Answer Inner Circle , Intermediate circle , Outer Circle ________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations=Correct Answer Motivation They enact the formal role of reviewing and screening executive decisions in the light of their environmental, business and organisational implications=Correct Answer Board of director HR implementation involues a series of action programme like production,estimation of raw materials, labour & machine hours.=Correct Answer False The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are=Correct Answer programmed decisions CAP related to internal appraisal of firm stands for=Correct Answer competitive advantage profile Factors to be considered in political- legal environmental scanning are=Correct Answer govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation,infrastructure , import-export Denominator management=Correct Answer cost reduction Counterfeiter copy but with a difference that can be seen.=Correct Answer False The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performanve.This is an indication of superior performance=Correct Answer True Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of =Correct Answer Top Management Value chain analysis is an effective tool for ________.=Correct Answer internal analysis This strategic posture invests sufficiently to stay in the race but avoids premature commitments=Correct Answer Reserve the right to play ________ and greater accountability replace formal control.=Correct Answer Self-discipline Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.=Correct Answer False Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management=Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability , Vision Scheduling is a part of strategic management.=Correct Answer False evolution as given and then react to the opportunities the market offers=Correct Answer Adapters Attack strategies are=Correct Answer frontal attack , flank attack , encirclement attack Merger takes place=Correct Answer between a buyer and a seller , to avail tax concessions , to increase growthrates Principles to manage strategic alliances are=Correct Answer clarity in strategy & responsibilities , blending cultures , provide for an exit strategy ________ identifies the impact of any change on performance=Correct Answer Statistical quality control The Hallmarks for self-regulation are=Correct Answer Trust & fairness , Changed Management , Integrity & thoughtfulness Ballast business = Fit well but low opportunities,Gap analysis =Difference between desired and projected performance,Corporate parenting = Managing SBU's by a corporate,Heartland business = Give the highest priority Standards of performance act as the benchmark against which the actual performance is compared.=Correct Answer True Change in company's strategy gives rise to problems necessitating a new structure to be made=Correct Answer True Modern Accounting uses ________ as a unit of measure =Correct Answer Time Corporate strategy ensures=Correct Answer fit between the firm and its environment Divestiture is opposed to diversification.=Correct Answer False It is the process of analyzing, dividing and arranging work or activities into manageable portion for individuals, sections & departments=Correct Answer departmentation Factors to be considered while deciding candidates for divestiture are =Correct Answer taxes , availability of buyers , market reaction ________ is a modern plant consisting of modules centered around a stage in the production process=Correct Answer Flotilla concept An unhealthy portfolio has=Correct Answer More dogs , Few stars Strategic intent=Correct Answer obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion to their existing resources & capabilities , what the organization strives for. The actual performance matches the budgeted performance. This is a realistic situation.=Correct Answer False ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the future.=Correct Answer Leaders Financial environment is concerned with=Correct Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets The control process requires the following types of information=Correct Answer Planned performance , Variances , Reasons Strategic evaluation determines the effectiveness of ________=Correct Answer Strategy Various phases of Growth are=Correct Answer Creativity , Delegation , Co-ordination Staffing function applies to all company levels irrespective of levels of hierarchy =Correct Answer True The reasons for acquisition are =Correct Answer=Increased market power , Increased diversification , Increased speed to market Titan going into setting their won retail outlets- this is ________ integration.=Correct Answer vertical ( forward ) Delay in ________ measurement defeats the purpose of evaluation.=Correct Answer Time Bajaj started manufacturing of sunny is an example of ________.=Correct Answer concentration strategy A Large-scale community development project was funded to enable farmers to use local resources effectively by =Correct Answer Asian Paints It concentrates on organisation design and work flow= Correct Answer Flotilla It is the process of selecting people for company positions and developing skills and abilities for assignments in the company =Correct Answer Staffing A hardware manufacture enters into software is an example of ________integration.=Correct Answer vertical ( forward ) This strategic posture invests sufficiently to stay in the race but avoids pre-mature commitments=Correct Answer Reserve the right to play supplier & technological environment is concerned with =Correct Answer quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material , trends and rate of change of technology Labour satisfaction may result in unethical behaviour as anger.= Correct Answer False Reciprocal responsibility means equal blames and credit.=Correct Answer False Excelling in one market guarantees success in a new. =Correct Answer False Empower people through great software anytime , any place, on any device'- Microsoft=Correct Answer visionHow does 'structure' reduce external uncertainity arising out of human behavior A Company's strategy=Correct AnswerVital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc , may result in disaster if inappropriate Three C's affecting today's companies are customer, competition & change =Correct Answer True Control should involve________ amount of information.=Correct Answer Minimum An approach that strives to follow ethical principles and percepts is =Correct Answer Moral management Limitations of Traditional cost accounting are=Correct Answer Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only the cost of producing Business is rated on which dimensions= Correct Answer Market attractiveness , Business strength Like roots of a tree, ________of organization is hidden from direct view. =Correct Answer core competence Factors leading to personnel capability are________.=Correct Answer IR, OB All policies are 'statements'=Correct Answer False W in SWOT stands for=Correct Answer inherent inadequacy of organization The process of forecasting an organization's future demands for and supply of right type of people in right number is=Correct Answer Man-power planning Comparative analysis is = historical analysis,Benchmarking is = competitive analysis,Michael Hammer & James Chapy =Reengineering,GDP stands for = gross domestic product Organizational models are=Correct Answer multinational model , international model , global organizational model It enables the strategists to take corrective action at the right time =Correct Answer Premise control The aim in stability strategies is-=Correct Answer move slowly & surely Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to activities & goals of a commercial firm.=Correct Answer False ________ support managers by keeping track of the elementary activities & transactions of the organization such as sales, receipts, raw materials etc.= Operational level systems General Electric Matrix is divided into how many cells= 9 The component produced on completely automatic machines may be subjected to sampling inspection while parts produced on semi-automatic and completely manual operated machines require cent percent inspection.= Correct Answer true
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